Saturday, February 25, 2012

We have Qualifications, Are we Educated?

Education is the act of imparting knowledge to an individual, which results in better behavior and actions that contribute to improve society. 

Nowadays people spend a lot of money on Education of their children. I see kids going to tuition and classes to learn various skills outside of their curriculum - tremendous amount of learning and exposure. Truly, we have come a long way with our Education System.

Interestingly, In India, the Literacy rates have increased from around 5% in 1911 to 65% in 2001 and then to around 75% in 2011.

The question is, are we really Educated?

If Yes, then...
  • Why can't we tolerate a slower vehicle ahead of us?
  • Why do people waiting at the Traffic Signal honk when the signal turns Green?
  • Why is it that, an error in the software program we just wrote is "just a bug", but a wrong calculation on the Bank Account Statement is something we would sue the bank for?
  • Why is it that we expect our customers to understand why the project is delayed, but we yell at the Pizza Delivery Boy for being 10 mins late?
  • Why is it that we get upset when the boss admonishes us for delay in the project, but we cannot tolerate a delay in the paycheck?
  • Why is it that we expect appreciation for the "good" work we do, but expect the Management to "understand" we make mistakes and feel bad when management asks us to show cause?
  • Why is it that the Policeman always stands at the end of the One Way Street to issue a Ticket to people who have broken the law and not stand the beginning of the street trying to prevent people from breaking the law?
  • Why do children at school compare their father's cars and discuss religion?
  • Why should a child try to get more marks just because the neighbor's child has obtained better marks in the test at school?
  • Why do we need facebook to stay in touch?
  • Why do friends compare their salaries, cars, work and designations when they get together?
  • Why does a family of 3 want a 5 bedroom apartment?
  • Why is grass greener on the other side? Why is my friend's company always better than the one I work for?
Think about it...


  1. Yes, We are educated as per the education system not according to the morals and ethics.

    You are inspiring again.

    1. Thank you Samcy for your time and for the kind words. I appreciate it.

  2. Unquestionably yes, and we barely think about it. I have to admit my image of seeing things is entirely different now as it used to be. Thanks to you.

    you are a speaker of great eloquence.

    1. Thanks Shiv, feels good to know that I made a difference...
